
In agreement with the members of the Gate2Growth Academic Network Board and the European Commission’s Innovation Policy Unit (DG Enterprise and Industry), EIASM has volunteered to continue this interesting and valuable network as one of its permanent features.

In order to do so, EIASM has set up a special, but integrated section in the EIASM database. With the Commission’s agreement we continue to call this community “Gate2Growth Academic Network in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance”.

All people in this network will regularly receive e-mail communications from EIASM concerning the activities and deliverables of the G2G Academic Network. In addition, they will also be able to benefit from the information that is circulated to the rest of the EIASM network and the related European Associations (if so desired).

All the members will also be invited to send us information that they deem of interest to their fellow researchers and which will be distributed for them either through our web site and the special G2G part of it, or through our monthly EIASM Newsletters (subject to approval). If requested, we can create discussion forums for members to engage on-line in targeted discussions in the field.

Doctoral Seminars

Based on the experience during the initial period from 2002 till 2006 with the doctoral seminars, it is clear that the doctoral population is very eager to see this activity continued in the future. Taking into account the feedback assembled from participating students as well as from Faculty involved, we intend to experiment with a new and quite unique format (see under Events – Doctoral Seminars).

First cycle

in the beginning of the year X, an intensive and high-level Doctoral Academy combining the Research Methods and Techniques with the New Topics and Themes (5 to 6 days),
11 to 12 months later (still in year X), a Doctoral Tutorial (2 to 3 days) will provide the same group of Doctoral Students the opportunity to present their own intermediate research results and to receive direct advice and tutoring from a set of renowned faculty members,
11 to 12 months later (in the year X + 1) a second Doctoral Tutorial (2 to 3 days) for the same group of students from year X to present their near-final results.

Second cycle

in the beginning of the year X + 1, the Doctoral Seminar combining the Research Methods and Techniques with the New Topics and Themes,
11 to 12 months later (in the year X + 1) a Doctoral Tutorial (2 to 3 days) will provide the group of Doctoral Students who joined in year X + 1 the opportunity to present their own intermediate research results, together with the group of students from the year X who will present their near- final results,
11 to 12 months later (in the year X + 2) a Doctoral Tutorial (2 to 3 days) to provide the group of Doctoral Students who joined in year X + 1 the opportunity to present their near-final results, together with the group of students who joined in year X + 2, to present their intermediate results.

This model will be launched in 2007 and will be tested for its suitability with the PhD population, and then continued or adjusted for the years after.

EIASM will work with a number of former G2G Institutional Member Schools as was the case in the past, without excluding the possibility for other EIASM member institutions to play an active role and eventually take on the role of co-organiser or host.

All events taking place in this G2G doctoral programme are integrated in the EDEN (EIASM’s Doctoral Education Network).

Specialised Research Workshops

Each year a research workshop on a special topic in the field will be organised . Optimally we will do this in collaboration with an Institutional Member of the Network, or with an individual member as Chair of the event. (see - Events- Special Research Workshops).

European Case Studies

Towards the end of the initial 4 year period, the G2G Board commissioned a survey among the members, to establish a measure of the need and the usefulness of a new European Case Clearing Platform. The result was rather meagre and disappointing. The reasons could be the overly commercial nature of such an endeavour for an academic network, and the existence of organisations such as the European Case Clearing House in Cranfield (http://www.ecch.com) , and the Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques ( http://www.ccmp.fr). Hence, the Network Board decided that rather than setting up another clearing system, it would stimulate its members and promote the writing of European case studies for the existing European Case Clearing House (http://www.ecch.com), and the Centrale des Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques: (http://www.ccmp.fr), in order to increase the number of European cases and of case studies in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and finance.

Given that we can find a member of the network willing to handle the screening of the cases submitted, we could consider them for publication within the special library described below.

Hence the network will discontinue its direct financial support to the writing of new case studies, but will actively promote and provide channels for dissemination of new cases in the field.

Documents Library

All the documents created within the previous G2G project, are placed in a special “library” on the EIASM/G2G web site. These documents comprise the European Case Studies, the Best Paper Award Winning Papers, the Books or Proceedings that followed from the specialised research workshops, and any other interesting documentation created within the G2G Academic Network.
Publications resorting from future events will of course be added to the library